Sleep is a crucial process of our bodies that helps us regulate metabolism, blood pressure, helps us store memory, build immunity, repair tissue and much more. Sleep affects your overall health and lets be honest, if you are reading this, chances are you aren't getting a good night's rest and that's where CBD could help.
What is CBD?
Cannabidiol, most commonly known as CBD, is a compound found in the cannabis family of species. This includes hemp, which is a type of cannabis plant that contains low levels of THC (less than 0.3%). CBD is 100% non-intoxicating. In other words, it will no get you "high". It is available in many forms, from oils, to creams and even gummies. Studies on Cannabidiol have shown that it can be an effective way to reduce stress, joint pain, inflammation and improve quality of sleep.
How Does CBD Work?
Over the past few decades researchers have made a lot of progress in understanding how CBD produces its calming, pain-reducing and anti-inflammatory effects. We know that CBD interacts with our Endocannabinoid System (ECS) that consists of receptors and other compounds in the brain and throughout the body. The ECS is known to regulate many bodily functions, such as sleep, mood, pain perception, immunity and more. We also know that CBD interacts with other receptors outside of the ECS, such as Serotonin (helps to regulate mood) and Vanilloid (regulates body temperature, pain perception, inflammation). This is how CBD works in the body.
CBD & Sleep
How we fall asleep, stay asleep, wake up, and remain awake is part of an internal biological process known as our circadian rhythm, which is regulated by our Endocannabinoid System. Circadian rhythms control a diverse array of actions in the body, including hormone production, heart rate, metabolism, and when to go to sleep and wake up. It’s as if we have an internal timer or clock that keeps track of our need for sleep, guides the body to sleep and then influences the intensity of sleep. This process is affected by external factors such as travel, medication, late night eating, environment, stress, pain, anxiety and more.
CBD does not act like a sleeping pill but it is well-known to reduce anxiety, stress and pain, which are the main factors that cause poor sleep in many adults.
Which CBD product is best for sleep?
CBD Oil/tinctures and gummies are the most popular for sleep issues.
CBD oil can be dropped and held under the tongue to dissolve through the glands in our gums (sublingual). Taking CBD oil sublingual allows for quicker absorption in the bloodstream and can take 15-30 minutes to take effect. So taking it right before bed or as you’re getting ready to hit the hay will allow it to work it’s way into your system by the time you lay to rest.
Alternatively, CBD can also be ingested using CBD gummies. This method can take longer for the CBD to pass through the digestive system and metabolize into the bloodstream (roughly 30 minutes - 2 hours). However, it can provide long-lasting effects.
While both methods will provide your body the CBD it needs for a restful sleep, consider your routine and schedule to determine which method of consumption is best for you.
How to Use CBD for Sleep
It is best to start low and gradually increase your dosage to find what works best for you. A moderate CBD dose to start with is between 20mg-30mg and you can adjust your dosage as needed.
CBD Oil Doses: 1ml = 1 dose
500mg Oil = 16.6mg CBD per 1ml dropper
1000mg Oil = 33.3mg CBD per 1ml dropper
1500mg Oil = 50mg CBD per 1ml dropper
2000mg Oil = 66mg CBD per 1ml dropper
3000mg Oil = 100mg CBD per 1ml dropper
For your first night, place 0.5-1ml of oil under the tongue for 1 minute before swallowing. Increase dosage, if needed, to find what amount works better for you.
Shop CBD Oil here
CBD Gummies
CBD Emporium offers a wide selection of gummies that are come in different quantities, flavors and strengths (20mg, 25mg or 30mg per gummy). 1 or 2 gummies is the typical dose intake for CBD gummies. For your first night, take 1 gummy 30 minutes - 2 hours before bed. Increase dosage to two gummies, if needed, to find what amount works better for you. Gummies work through the digestive system, because of this it is best to take your dose 30 minutes - 2 hours before bed.
Shop CBD Gummies here
Disclaimer: this info and products are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment of any ailment. Consult your doctor before starting a new supplement.